A Canadian Non-Denominational Organization

A HUGE thank you to all those who volunteered, donated to and supported the sale!

In April 2024  the girls made new outfits for the Month of the Woman and celebrated with guests and previous residents of the shelter, 130 people.

Work continues on the construction of the new St. Mary's.

They are already moved into the basement. It is the rainy season and it is cold at night and they are in need of blankets and some beds but they are trying to repair and use what they have. 
The basement has 3 rooms.  There are 6 older boys in one room.  The younger boys have their room and at this time some are sleeping in the living room.

Charity #: 760001-4324-RR0001

Tumaini ni Uzima (Hope is Life)

 APICULTURE: In August 2023 they started with some bee hives, harvesting honey and beeswax for candle making and  are very happy with their first try with this project.
AGRICULTURE: They are harvesting bananas, sugar cane and avocados.  The avocado tree has lots of fruit and can be harvested on an on-going basis for 3 to 4 months.
 PIG PENS:  They have a mason who is working on the pig pens and it is now taking shape. 

ONLINE sales of donated items continue year-round on Facebook Marketplace

Hope of St. Joseph Shelter Inc