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The mines in the Congo are totally controlled, through armed gangs, by corporations who only seek economic benefits. The rape of women and girls has been used as a weapon of war and terror. The military has raped many Congolese women.  To escape this situation, many girls have gone to the city where they have fallen into prostitution nets and are sexually exploited...

We welcome these marginalized women into the St. Joseph's Shelter and try to restore hope for them"





tumaini ni uzima trying to restore hope...

Charity #: 760001-4324-RR0001

 A Canadian Non-Denominational Organization


Volunteer opportunities include helping with online sales, fundraising dinners, grant submissions and our annual yard sale. Contact us today and find out how you can help

Our founder

Tumaini ni Uzima (Hope is Life)

"...I wonder why in an area

where gold,coltan and other precious minerals are 

exploited, the population is

living in such critical poverty situation? ...


Hope of St. Joseph Shelter Inc


Rescuing the girls and boys from situations where they are being exploited, providing a stable environment, psychological follow-up and educational and vocational training to prepare them for the future .